Thursday, April 15, 2010

take time to realize.

I've come to realize how much I've been neglecting the things that are so precious and the things I hold most dear to me. I am a Daughter of God. It's time I realize this again. I've allowed the world to make me think less of myself, and that's not fair to myself or the people around me.
I need to trust in the Lord. I know I'm here, where I am, for a reason. I came back to California because the Spirit told me so. Now I don't know what that reason is, but I know that this is where I'm supposed to be. Maybe in given time, things will make sense. Maybe it's been to help someone, find a better faith in Christ, learn a valuable lesson, meet somebody, find the cure to cancer, or simply just helping myself. I don't know, but when the Lord tells you to do something you do it. But I haven't had the right attitude, I've been focusing on the negative. Dang me.
It all comes down to one thing: Trust. I have to have more faith, I need to do the things I know my life has been missing. It's time to become the person I can be.
Yay me:)
Anyways, I'm ready to do this. My spirit is ready. It's time for some serious soul searching. It's time to become the best possible me, in every aspect.
I know that the gospel is true. I know the blessings that it has brought into my life. I have the best family ever. I have phenomenal people in my life. Just in these few months I've met new friends that are just so amazing. I have a great life. We are Children of God. I wish we all will realize this some time soon.

"The only difference between you and God is that you have forgotten you are Divine!"


  1. Lyssa I LOVED this post! You are truly amazing and I hope you see that. I love you girly and keep following those promptings, trust me it all comes together when Heavenly Father wants it to. We just have to trust that his way is best (and it always is) xoxo!

  2. You rock. and I'm super happy for you. How do I follow you? You know, like Blog-Stalk you? I can't figure it out. but I'm gonna. <3 you.

  3. Love this!! Even though we've been far away from each other, I've sensed all the changes you've been through when I've seen you and said hi. You are awesome and I know the Lord has something special in store for you if you want it!
