Wednesday, January 27, 2010

things you really don't need to know.

So. People tell me to talk about myself all the time. And I absolutely hate it. I never know what to say. But one of my friends did this, so I'm going to attempt the impossible and do it as well. You're supposed to write 100 things about yourself. Crazy a lot. But, here goes nothing:

1. My favorite color is yellow. It just makes me happy. It looks happy.

2. I love laughing. My laugh itself is ridiculous, sometimes I sound like a chipmunk, sometimes a drunkard. Either way, I love it.

3. I like people. Except for the people I don’t like.

4. My religion is one of the most important things in my life. I base my decisions on it, I base my future on it. I’ll defend it, because in the end it comes to one thing: I know it is right.

5. The other most important thing in my life is my family. I guess I kinda like them.

6. I am one of the most self-conscious people I know. My self esteem probably ranks at negative four.

7. But I’m still me.

8. I don’t like being belittled.

9. I like going to the beach. I don’t care how cold it is, I still want to let the waves rush over my feet.

10. I like jumping.

11. One of my favorite things to do is look at stars. There is an undying beauty about them.

12. Someday I’ll go dancing on the moon.

13. I have no idea what is going to happen in my life. &that drives me crazy. I want to know what is going to happen or know what I’m going to do.

14. I want a family. Ever since I was a kid all I’ve ever wanted to be was a mom.

15. I think “Boy Meets World” has taught me some of life’s greatest lessons.

16. I met my best friends in college. We were only with each other for one semester, but that’s all it took for me to really understand what that word means- best friend.

17. No. I changed my mind. I think my favorite color is orange.

18. I wish I had a pet fish.

19. That rhymed. Unintentionally.

20. I like Hannah Montana. But I don’t like Miley Cyrus. It makes sense if you really think about it.

21, But actually I Demi Lovato better.

22. I get scared easily. The only thing is when I do get scared, I scream, kick, and fall. But that’s part of the fun- I love the scare.

23. I eat bananas with a fork.

24. I don’t like clapping… not really.

25. I dance to my own beat. It’s a retarded beat, but it’s fun.

26. A part of my heart will always belong to N’SYNC and the Backstreet Boys.

27. People with accents are fascinating. I wish I talked with one.

28. I think Las Vegas is pretty. With all its bright lights, it’s like Christmas all year round.

29. My favorite flower is the Gerbera Daisy.

30. I’m a hopeless romantic. When I watch a movie and the boy and girl don’t get together, it bugs me for days. I think a part of my heart breaks for them.

31. I want a happy ending.

32. I believe in “Come what may, and love it.”

33. Dieter F. Uchtdorf is one of my favorite people in the world.

34. I want to do something crazy. But not too crazy.

35. Yes. I’m nineteen. I still like to TP people’s houses.

36. I’ve learned a lot about life. I think I started when I was seven when my dad had cancer for the first time.

37. I like saying “Hello” to complete strangers.

38. I think a lot. A lot.

39. I’m ready to start a new chapter in my life.

40. I believe everything happens for a reason, even though it doesn’t make sense all the time.

41. I like having blonde hair. I like having brown hair. I don’t like pink hair.

42. I’m afraid of the dark.

43. Monkeys terrify me. I hate them. They are not cute.

44. Slippers are fun.

45. I like to go to parks. I love swinging and going down the slides.

46. I believe in angels.

47. Horses scare me too.

48. But one of my lifetime goals is to save a cow. Poor cows:(

49. I love the word beautiful. It’s beautiful. Cliché much?

50. Dang, I’m only halfway through.

51. G.I. Joe is cool. He was my Barbie’s boyfriend.

52. I played with Barbies until I was like twelve. Maybe even thirteen or fourteen.

53. Yikes. I am embarrassing.

54. I like acoustic/indie music, the kind that really makes you feel something.

55. I wish I could say I live with no regrets… but that’s a lie. I regret a few stuff.

56. I like Mormons.

57. I’ve always wanted a dog. When I was younger I wanted a weiner dag and name him “Balogna.” But you pronounce it exactly how it is spelled. G and all.

58. I like hair. I just want to touch it.

59. “Confessions of a Shopaholic” is my favorite movie.

60. I pretend I speak fluent Spanish.

61. I really don’t.

62. Peanut butter and jelly is food of the gods.

63. I like drawing. That’s a secret talent. Don’t tell anyone.

64. I like singing loud. And bad actually.

65. Life is a journey, not a destination.

66. Roadtrips are fun. They’re exhilarating. They make stress disappear for a bit.

67. I never knew writing down a hundred things about me would be so hard.

68. “Maybe the best thing to do is stop figuring out where you’re going and just enjoy where you’re at.”

69. I think The Beatles had it right, sometimes the only thing you need is love.

70. K. I changed my mind. My favorite colors are a tie between yellow, orange, pink, and purple. Only when they’re together though.

71. I like wearing big sunglasses that try to cover my face.

72. My eye color changes. It’s sometimes blue, but I think mostly they’re green. Maybe.

73. This is probably weird, but I actually like giving hand and foot massages.

74. Yeah. That is weird.

75. I believe in aliens and Big Foot.

76. I want to get married in the Oakland Temple.

77. I want to create something beautiful.

78. "Yeah... I go with God."

79. I’ve always wanted to go fishing, but never have. I feel sorry for the fish.

80. My parents are basically great even though we drive each other crazy.

81. I have a hard time trusting people, but I want to put all my trust in someone.

82. I’m very gullible.

83. Those two things contradict each other, eh?

84. Don’t care what you say, “Twilight” is good.

85. I want to go somewhere on the East Coast. That would be hecka cool.

86. Hecka is my favorite word.

87. I also hecka like the word super.

88. Super.

89. I don’t know how to swim. Eek.

90. Ten more. Yay!

91. I don’t like the color blue. I think it’s a cop-out color.

92. I don’t really like chocolate that much. I like making chocolate though.

93. My favorite game is Rock-Paper-Scissors. Don’t be alarmed if I ask you to play it with me.

94. I’m shy at first. Most likely I’ll really want to talk to someone, but won’t because I’m scared they won’t like me.

95. Does anyone want to be my friend still after reading this?

96. I like you.

97. Ninety-seven.

98. Bob Dylan is good, I don’t care what anyone says.

99. I’m the sixth kid out of seven.

100. I believe.


  1. How fun Alyssa! Way to go....I love you, and these are awesome facts! And I didn't know some of them, okay like half of them. But this did make me smile and reminded me how much you really do rock! Never forget it.

  2. You got this idea from me, huh? How fun! I loved knowing all of these!

  3. You are hilarious Alyssa! Miss you!

  4. O man this post made me miss you even more!!! I love you lissa and think you are one amazing chick.
